Customer Testimonial

Wisconsin Oven Corporation

Industrial Oven Manufacturer Uses CADLink to Improve Standard Engineering Processes

Coming into our new ERP system, Epicor, there were so many things to think about and learn. Partnering with QBuild to help get us through the CADLink integration was extremely beneficial. The team was very knowledgeable, organized, and professional. They helped us with a couple of customizations as well to make CADLink fit better with some of our standard processes. Overall it was a great experience and I would highly recommend them for future services.

Leah Van Veghel, Controller

Wisconsin Oven Corporation has been designing, engineering, and manufacturing industrial ovens and other heating equipment since 1973. Their custom and standard industrial ovens are used for a multitude of applications including heat treating, finishing, drying, or curing.

Customer - Wisconsin Oven Logo


Wisconsin Oven Corporation


East Troy, WI USA


Industrial Heating Machinery

QBuild Solution


Customer Since


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