Customer Testimonial

Summerset Marine Construction

Marine Construction and Service Provider Improves Engineering and Operations Efficiency with CADLink Integration

CADLink has been a game changer for us. It has allowed us to transfer a bill of material to NetSuite, saving us many hours of work.  We could not have upgraded to NetSuite without it. The QBuild team has been great to work with, very knowledgeable, and flexible as our requirements changed as we developed our ERP system. We have been very impressed with the quality of their work and would highly recommend them!

Andy Hansen, Accounting Project manager 

Summerset Marine has been providing lake front services to Southeastern Wisconsin for over 20 years. Over time Summerset has grown to accommodate all of our customers’​ waterfront needs from Milwaukee to Madison. From boulder shorelines to piers and boat lifts, Summerset has the expertise and equipment to get your job done right. Manufacturing for Lifetime Piers is factory direct in Whitewater, WI.


Summerset Marine Construction


Whitewater, WI USA


Marine Construction and Service

QBuild Solution


Customer Since


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