Customer Testimonial


Horizontal Grinding Equipment Manufacturer Simplifies Engineering Workflow with Integration

CADLink expedites the transfer of data from engineering to NetSuite, and lowers the likelihood of entering incorrect data. It can display and control any field in NetSuite, even if they do not exist on our PDM data cards, eliminating the need to display NetSuite-specific information in CAD files, while also greatly simplifying our workflow. The team has been easy to work with, customizing CADLink to work with our data and our NetSuite environment. I would highly recommend this tool to anyone that creates manufactured items in NetSuite that correspond to CAD files.

Jordan Swanson, Engineering

Rotochopper specializes in solutions that transform waste materials into valuable end products like colored landscape mulch, animal bedding, compost, and more. They focus exclusively on transforming waste materials into profitable end products.




St. Martin, MN USA


Grinding Equipment Manufacturing

QBuild Solution


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