Customer Testimonial

Rockford Systems, LLC

Customized CADLink Solution Simplifies BOM Export Process

We contacted QBuild after starting down a path with a competitor that felt very cumbersome and overly-complicated. They collaborated with us to develop a customized CADLink solution that exports all of our bills of material directly into our ERP system, quickly, and without errors, while allowing us to still do the heavy lifting of design and properties population within SolidWorks and SolidWorks Electrical the way it was meant to be!

Michael Thompson, Engineering Manager

Headquartered in Rockford, Illinois, Rockford Systems, LLC delivers workplace safety.  Rockford Systems stands as a trusted and dedicated provider of industrial solutions, specializing in turnkey machine safeguarding, lockout/tagout and combustion safety solutions. Their unwavering commitment to safety and risk reduction positions us as the go-to choice for organizations looking to elevate workplace safety, ensure regulatory compliance, and reduce risk in industrial settings.


Rockford Systems, LLC


Rockford, IL


D365 Business Central


Machine Safeguarding Equipment

QBuild Solution


Customer Since


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