Customer Testimonial

Prairie Machine

Mining Equipment Manufacturer Eliminates Manual Data Processes with CADLink

I always enjoy working with the QBuild team. With their very clear implementation plans and dedicated people, they always deliver effective software solutions on time. 

Post implementation, their support is top-notch, both timely and effective. As we’ve had so few issues with the CADLink product and it has become so ingrained in our process, I sometimes forget that we even have it (and that’s a good thing!).

Mike Thomas, Technical Services Manager

Customer - Prairie Machine Logo

For over 40 years, Prairie Machine has been an industry leader in the custom engineering, manufacturing, and supply of heavy-duty equipment and technical solutions for heavy industrial and mining industries. Prairie Machine’s Continuous Boring and Continuous Haulage systems have been utilized in the most industrious potash, salt, and trona mines world-wide.


Prairie Machine


Saskatoon, SK Canada


Auxiliary Mining Equipment

QBuild Solution


Customer Since


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