Customer Testimonial

OptiPro Systems

Precision Optical Fabrication Manufacturer Praises QBuild for Assistance with ERP Switch

CADLink has significantly optimized our engineering release process by automating the duplicate data entry of information into our ERP system. This has reduced the initial time entry as well as minimized the potential for transposing errors. In addition, CADLink has made customizations to our install that further optimizes how we bring data into our ERP system from CAD. The CADLink integration has been one of the highlights of switching to Epicor in 2020.

Joe Meisenzahl, Design Engineer

Customer - Optipro Logo

OptiPro Systems has more than 40 years of experience developing and manufacturing precision optical fabrication machines and metrology systems. They are a global leader in designing and building computer controlled grinding, polishing, and measuring equipment for the precision optics and advanced ceramics industries.


OptiPro Systems


Ontario, NY USA


Precision Optical Fabrication Machinery

QBuild Solution


Customer Since


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