The QBuild team has completely customized CADlink to our needs and have been providing excellent updates and support to our team when required. From the start, QBuild’s experience with CAD-ERP integration has been a serious advantage to help planning for all the possible scenarios during the transition to CADLink.
The best part of this is that CADLink can automatically apply custom rules based on CAD specific properties to save time and avoid errors down the road. After using CADLink for more than 3 years at DC Equipment, I can definitely recommend it for its flexibility and simplicity of use.
From a CAD user perspective, all we have to do is a right click on a CAD file from SolidWorks PDM to launch CADlink and review the BOM before upload. CADlink will automatically compare the BOM of a specific CAD file configuration with any existing BOM found in Netsuite and will give a detailed description of actions that are going to be performed.