Customer Testimonial

Blue Giant

Loading Dock Systems Manufacturer Removes Errors Caused By Manual Data Entry

The CADLink solution has facilitated a greater understanding of ERP requirements within Blue Giant. As much as the efficiency uploading data into Visual from SolidWorks and the accuracy due to less manual data entry has been of significant benefit, the less tangible benefits of communication and cooperation between engineering and other areas, particularly manufacturing and finance has made CADLink an indispensable piece of our processes.

Glynn Tromans, Project Manager

Customer - Blue Giant Logo

Blue Giant is a leader in the loading dock and material handling industry. Since 1963, Blue Giant has developed, manufactured and distributed dock levelers, ground-level lifts, vehicle restraints, and many other products.


Blue Giant


Missisauga, ON Canada


Loading Dock and Material Handling

QBuild Solution


Customer Since


Case Study

Blue Giant Case Study Preview Image

As longtime Infor VISUAL users, Blue Giant had been entering their SOLIDWORKS PDM BOMs into VISUAL manually for 12 years. Their designs feature thousands of parts across a multi-level indented BOM.

However, their engineering team had been simplifying their designs and “flattening” the BOM structure in an effort to reduce manual data entry work. Blue Giant started an initiative to streamline their projects and overall data flow, which included CADLink.

Blue Giant Case Study User Form

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