SOLIDWORKS Freebie: Property Editor Tool
How much time do you spend preparing your BOM in SOLIDWORKS?
QBuild would like to share a nice little freebie tool for our SOLIDWORKS friends!
Currently, it seems that editing the CAD properties of a single part in an open assembly in SOLIDWORKS is not as efficient as it could be. You need to open that part first and only then can the user open the CAD properties panel and edit away.
This workflow can become very tedious if you have large assemblies! Opening, editing, saving, and closing each part and sub-assemblies is a time waster we want to change for you!

The Property Editor tool allows users to easily add or edit any property right from the top level assembly!
With this tool, you will be able to focus on what you do best, Design! No more opening and closing, easily review all your part details from your top level and spend more time designing.
To do so:
- Select an item in your assembly
- Open the properties panel
The properties panel will display the properties for the part selected.
Click on the button below to get the SOLIDWORKS macro and instructions guide on how to set it up in your SOLIDWORKS environment.
Edit: This demo freebie is no longer available.
If you would like more information, please contact: [email protected]
For our SOLIDWORKS CADLink users, this tool will also allow you to get your Bill of Materials (BOM) ready and help satisfy your ERP requirements for part creation.
CADLink is a turnkey system designed to tightly connect our customer CAD design information to their ERP system. It allows engineering designers to view, modify, update, and create ERP engineering information such as Bill of Materials (BOM) and Item Master data without ever leaving your CAD system.
QBuild Software enables the direct connection of CAD data to ERP, reducing engineering costs, streamlining internal ECN processes, and equipping sales teams with engineering expertise.