MBoM works with 
CADLink allows engineers to create Item Master and BOM records identical to engineering CAD data with the click of a button. Directly integrating your CAD system to ERP reduces manual data entry and clerical errors. Your production will benefit from drawing information identical to work order documentation.
Increase the speed of data flow from sales to engineering, procurement, and manufacturing. Streamlining the entire product development process by integrating your CAD system and your ERP solution gives you the edge in the competitive market. Eliminate the burden of having disconnected systems, allow your engineers to focus on the designs and innovation.
Keeping your ERP engineering data accurate and synced with your engineering drawings and models is critical.
With CADLink, you will see significant improvements in production speed, on-time shipments, and accuracy of ERP engineering data with reductions in engineering cost, scrapped parts, and shop floor confusions.