Your comprehensive solution suite for seamless Engineering and ERP integration, maximizing your engineering efficiency and minimizing work redundancy.
Click on each solution to learn how it works in your Engineering Process.

ECx Manager will automate, simplify and integrate your Engineering Change process with your ERP system to eliminate duplicate data entry and seamlessly integrate your CAD ERP link.

CADLink is a powerful CAD ERP link tool that allows your design engineers to concentrate on design work. Multiple data entry is saved through CADLink’s real-time CAD ERP link, allowing designers to access data inside ERP systems.

NESTLink is a bi-directional fully automated tool that connects the engineering team to the shop floor by integrating nesting software with ERP in real-time.

With MBoM, the engineer saves the Manufacturing BOM through CADLink and their work is finished. The Manufacturing Engineer then opens the saved Manufacturing BOM and is able to make changes to it before pushing it to your ERP.

Part Surfer help you to find parts in your database and save engineering time. It simplifies your ERP system making it Engineering friendly.

PLMSync stands as a robust PDM/PLM to ERP link tool, offering seamless one-click integration. With its real-time PDM/PLM to ERP link, PLMSync efficiently preserves time and minimizes data entry efforts. This ensures that engineers have immediate access to the most precise and up-to-date information within ERP systems, enhancing overall accuracy and productivity.

CAD Connector is QBuild’s latest application connecting your CAD software to your PLM system. Efficiently create CAD documents and eliminate multiple data entries in your PLM.