NetSuite CADLink: Integrate & Sync CAD BOM data directly to your ERP in one easy interface

CADLink is an Integrated SuiteApp, featured in the SuiteApp catalogue. QBuild focuses on how to help CADLink fit into YOUR engineering processes, so that you can get the most out of the integration.
NetSuite CADLink lets your engineers create Assembly Items with manufacturing BOM structure and Assembly Items in NetSuite that are identical to your CAD models. Just one click away.
Green rows
represent new parts that will be created in your NetSuite Item List.
Yellow fields
data discrepancy between CAD and NetSuite such as description or BOM quantity.
Gray rows
represent parts to be removed from your NetSuite BOM.
Red fields
represent fields where there is a critical error preventing CADLink from allowing to save.
Increase the speed of data flow from sales to engineering, procurement, and manufacturing
Streamlining the entire product development process by integrating your CAD systems (SOLIDWORKS, AutoCAD, CREO, Altium, CATIA, etc.) with your NetSuite solution gives you the edge in the competitive market. market. CADLink eliminates redundant data entry allowing engineers to focus on the designs and innovation.
With CADLink, you will see significant improvements in production speed, on-time shipments, and accuracy of NetSuite engineering data with reductions in engineering cost, scrapped parts, and shop floor confusions.
Benefit from an accurate and up-to-date NetSuite data and improve your production throughput
In today’s fast paced industry, keeping your NetSuite ERP engineering data accurate and synchronized with your engineering drawings and models quickly and accurately is critical in gaining a competitive edge. With CADLink, you will see significant improvements in time to market, on-time shipments, and accuracy of NetSuite ERP engineering data with reductions in engineering cost, scrapped parts, and shop floor confusions.
QBuild Quality
You know you are getting the right solution when you work with QBuild Software! QBuild has over a decade of experience and expertise in CAD – ERP integration. QBuild was chosen as an integration partner.