CADLink runs from your CAD system and takes data directly from the on screen drawing or model and integrates it with your ERP system.

CADLink Bidirectional CAD ERP BOM Sync Tool

CADLink uses a real-time, bidirectional link to pull and push information from your CAD model and ERP system. Draw comparisons and make changes to two different data sets in one interface with CADLink to reduce making multiple data entries, and costly mistakes. CADLink can automatically create parts you just modeled in your item master, highlight discrepancies between the data sets and synchronize your CAD and ERP Bill of Materials in an organized and controlled way.

CADLink BOM Grid ColoursCADLink BOM Grid Colours Explained

Whether you use Solidworks with Infor Visual Manufacturing, AutoCAD with Epicor, or SolidEdge with Dynamics AX, CADLink is able to integrate virtually any combination of CAD software and ERP system of your choice.


CADLink is a powerful CAD ERP link tool that allows your design engineers to concentrate on design work. Multiple data entry is saved through CADLink’s real-time CAD ERP link, allowing designers to access data inside ERP systems.

Key Features
  • Real time, two-way link between your CAD software and your ERP system
  • BOM and Part info interfaced directly from within
    • AutoCAD, Inventor
    • Pro-E, Creo
    • Solid Edge, NX
    • Mentor Graphics
    • Altium Designer, etc…
  • Comparison between CAD and ERP data, with full feedback of results
  • Comprehensive Routing interface
  • Easily Integrated with QBuild’s ECx Manager
  • Full Effectivity date functionality
  • Can be integrated with any CAD, PLM or ERP system

Product Functionality

The CADLink Interface system allows engineering designers to add, modify and view ERP engineering information such as item master data, bill of material, routing data and effectivity dates.

The CAD ERP Interface system is a single application with the following functions:

Item Master Management

The Item Master contains important tombstone data such as part number, type, description, etc. The application will pull the information that exists in your ERP system and the model to populate the fields of the form. The designer will be able to modify the data on the interface form.

Pressing ‘Save’ will synchronize and update the data in both ERP system and in the CAD drawing/model.

Bill of Material Management

Bill of material information is taken directly from the assembly model or drawing to populate the fields of the CAD ERP Interface form.The engineer will not be able to add or modify bill of material information without modifying the BOM in your CAD system. Thus in order to add a part, delete a part or change the quantity on the bill of material, that part must be added, deleted or have its quantity changed in SolidWorks first and then saved through the interface.This helps to ensure data integrity between the your CAD system and the ERP system.

Pressing ‘Save’ will update the information in the ERP database with the model information, including quantity, part number, etc.

Routing Management

CAD ERP Interface optionally provides a simple, convenient interface for adding and modifying ERP routing information. The routing information is pulled from ERP and the designer can make the necessary changes in the interface.

Pressing ‘Save’ updates the ERP system with any changes made by the designer.

Effectivity Dates

The CAD ERP Interface system can include effectivity date information with the BOM. Using this option, companies can be sure to keep a clear history as well as a future instruction to production on the status of engineering bills of materials.

CAD ERP with Effectivity Dates ensures that your CAD BOM are never deleted they are only ‘zeroed’ using appropriate effective dates and quantities.


Eliminate ERP Clerical Work

With CADLink, your engineering team can focus on what they do best: Engineering. Double and triple data entries are eliminated and engineering information is input into your CAD software and your ERP system in one simplified interface. Create new items in the item master simply by having CADLink pull the data from the CAD model, and push it to the ERP.

Free up engineering staff to do more engineering and reduce your engineering costs. The less time they spend inputting data across multiple platforms, the more time they can invest on projects and designs.

Reduce Data Entry Errors

When entering data into two separate databases, there is a large possibility of discrepancies due to typos or mistakes. These are common when Engineers are tasked to fill multiple fields for every assembly, subassembly and part by hand. By unifying the data entry process, CADLink eliminates sources of error in transferring data between your CAD model and ERP system.

This is a potentially huge cost savings as a single mistake in the Bill of Materials can lead to ordering errors that result in scrap, excess inventory or late shipment of parts.

Drawing Accuracy and Consistency

The CADLink Interface ensures that the information on the drawing, descriptions and revision is identical to the information in your ERP. Accurate information in drawings eliminates confusion and reduces errors on the shop floor arising from conflicting information between work orders, sales orders and drawings. This reduces scrap and saves engineering costs in clarification.

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