
Mechanical Engineer
CADLink has proven to be a game changer, successfully streamlining BOM entry and part creation processes and dramatically reducing the likelihood of any data errors.
It is important to note that every company has unique processes that are molded by both their culture and product offerings. The QBuild team has displayed an exceptional level of responsiveness and adaptability in tailoring their software to meet our intricate workflows. In the year that we have been working with CADLink, we have achieved a nearly complete elimination of manual entry for two additional teams within the company through the implementation of additional logic. Without a doubt, this solution has been a substantial benefit to our company.
CADLink is a great tool for importing items and BOMs from SolidWorks into the ERP. It is a HUGE upgrade over the ridiculously time-consuming manual data entry processes. The support team has been great to work with. They're extremely knowledgeable and helpful, and they make requested changes and customizations very quickly. To be completely honest, CADLink is about the only thing that has made our ERP transition somewhat bearable.
I always enjoy working with the QBuild team. With their very clear implementation plans and dedicated people, they always deliver effective software solutions on time. Post implementation, their support is top-notch, both timely and effective. As we’ve had so few issues with the CADLink product and it has become so engrained in our process, I sometimes forget that we even have it (and that’s a good thing!).
I have nothing but praise about my interaction with CADLink. Of all my dealings with software developers in the past, they are one of, if not the best companies that I have dealt with. Their knowledge of the software along with their promptness in coming up with solutions was second to none.
I have nothing but praise about my interaction with CADLink. Of all my dealings with software developers in the past, they are one of, if not the best companies that I have dealt with. Their knowledge of the software along with their promptness in coming up with solutions was second to none.
I have nothing but praise about my interaction with CADLink. Of all my dealings with software developers in the past, they are one of, if not the best companies that I have dealt with. Their knowledge of the software along with their promptness in coming up with solutions was second to none.
We chose CADLink because we saw in it the capability of adapting to our business processes plus the fact that it allows to handle bill of material data and operations in one simple interface. Now, I don’t need to worry about data consistency between my systems anymore.
Having all the materials available in the shop floor allow us to increase the operations speed allowing us to reduce our products delivery times which translate into happy customers.
CADLink has been a great company to work with. Whether it involved working with their developer, account manager, and even their President, we've had beneficial, collaborative discussions that provide value in our work processes.
They have teamed up with us to enhance the standard product by listening to our feedback as well as customizing the product to meet our internal needs specifically. They've helped us automate information flow that benefits our designers as well as other downstream stakeholders. In turn, their support is allowing us to be more efficient and accurate with the designs we release to our ERP system.
QBuild took the time to understand the way we work and were able to provide you the right data transfer solution. Our CADLink now sets Epicor values by default for all parts, populates Epicor user-defined fields, stores PDF file path storage in Epicor, and sets constrained material selection by default while saving new parts.
At Phoenix LLC, QBuild’s CADLink is at the center of our bill of materials management. Because we design & build many prototypes with long lead time parts on aggressive schedules, we source materials in parallel with design activities. This coupled with our typical bill being over 3000 line items makes the automated bill syncing that CADLink does essential.
CADLink is an amazingly intuitive and easy to use interface seamlessly connects your CAD and ERP systems.
The ability to upload large assembly model metadata including new part numbers and Part Master data within seconds is incredible. With added customization, possibilities to manipulate ERP field data automatically through created Field Mappings allows any number of values tied to part data to be instantly uploaded. Anyone with knowledge of these process will come to truly appreciate the power and ease of an application that stands above the rest.
CADLink is an amazing software with user friendly interface. It seamlessly transfers our multilayered BOMs from EPDM to NAV Business Central. It manages revision changes very well. Additionally, It streamlined our planning, purchasing and manufacturing processes. The team at QBuild provided custom solutions to many requests at the implementation phase with numerous live sessions. We have CADLink for over 6 months now, with no problems and excellent customer support. Keep up the good work!
We discovered that CADLink is the perfect tool to enable the seamless transfer of any BOM directly from CAD software into our ERP system. Working with CADLink has been a real pleasure.
It eliminates the error‐prone manual transposition of important design data. The user interface is very intuitive, and the potential for customization seems limitless.
But I am most impressed with the customer service at QBuild. The CADLink integration team has been very responsive to our every need, offering initial integration support, orientation sessions, and continued assistance to help my team become proficient with the tool.
CADLink is a great software that interfaces perfectly with SOLIDWORKS. The possible customization provided by the CADLink Team works perfectly. Support in the event of issues is really efficient. I had a problem, and it was resolved in minutes, and it wasn't even coming from CADLink but from SOLIDWORKS. Thank you to the CADLink team for the efficiency and
Process Engineer
QBuild has played an important role in our ERP integration and day-to-day operations at CIT. With their CADlink and MBoM software, we have improved productivity, reduced errors, and streamlined the release of BOM's and methods to our production team. Their software provides a user-friendly interface that is intuitive and easy to use. Per our request, they provided many customizations that eliminated cumbersome part setup in ERP in a friendly and timely manner. CIT highly recommends QBuild to anyone looking for a reliable and efficient solution to maintain ERP BOM's and methods.
ERP System Analyst
Working with QBuild during the implementation of Epicor made what would have been a daunting transition utilizing CADLink, quite simple. They promptly responded to our request and derived a customized program that incorporated our extensive and ever-growing product line. The workflow between CADLink and Epicor is smooth and seamless and accommodates a vast array of BOM. Thank you to QBuild for saving our Drafting Department countless hours of laborious tasks.
Director of Engineering
QBuild has been essential in designing effective solutions that sync our CAD & ERP product Bill of Materials. Implementing a new ERP system can be a challenge and QBuild’s CADLink integration team has helped make that transition effortless. QBuild’s timely response and expertise help create a enjoyable working experience.
Coming into our new ERP system, Epicor, there were so many things to think about and learn. Partnering with QBuild to help get us through the CADLink integration was extremely beneficial. The team was very knowledgeable, organized, and professional. They helped us with a couple of customizations as well to make CADLink fit better with some of our standard processes. Overall it was a great experience and I would highly recommend them for future services.
CAD/PDM/PLM ←→ QBuildによるERP統合
Increase productivity, Bill of Material data accuracy and cost savings. With the real-time, two-way link between engineering design and your ERP, production benefits from drawing information identical to work order documentation.
CAD ERP BOM Link インターフェースにエンジニアリング変更指示マネージャを追加。
CAD ERPシステムが密接に統合されていればいるほど、生産性は向上します!ECx Managerでは、エンジニアリングスタッフが生産と密接に連携する必要があります。オープンオーダーと在庫バランス情報は、部品の変更時にエンジニアリングに提供されます: スクラップ/リワーク/現状使用…
ERP Work OrderまたはJobを検索し、Jobの詳細を取得し、CADシステムからモデルを自動的に再構築します。営業チームは顧客にどのような注文になるかを見せたいですか?問題ありません!面倒なCAD作業はもう必要ありません。エンジニアの貴重な時間を節約し、営業チームに必要なエッジを与えます。
CAD ConnectorでCADとPLMシステムの橋渡し。
CAD Connectorを使用すると、PLMシステム内で部品表(BOM)とドキュメントファイルを自動的に作成、更新、修正することができます。CAD ConnectorはCADインターフェイスのメニューにアドインとして表示され、CADとPLM間のエンジニアリングデータの転送プロセスを簡素化、合理化します。
検索 ERPデータの検索と操作で生産性を大幅に向上させるエンジニアリングのためのツール。
PartSurfer CAD ERP Linkは、ベンダーの部品番号などのエンジニアリングERPデータを表示し、マルチレベルBOMを含む高度な複合検索を可能にします。PartSurferは、既存の図面表示プログラムと統合することにより、図面表示機能を備えたCAD ERP Linkを完成させます。
QBuild Softwareの目標は、お客様のビジネスを最適に管理・運営することです。当社の製品は、作業の重複を最小限に抑えることで、エンジニアの効率を最大化するように設計されています。
QBuildは、カスタマイズ可能な幅広いソリューションを提供する一方で、皆様の個別のニーズにもお応えします。QBuildのソリューションは、いずれも6ヶ月以内に投資回収が可能です。ご連絡ください お客様のニーズにどのようにお応えできるかをお聞かせください。